Tuesday 11 February 2014

Homemade Buns with Filling - Sweet / Savoury

Savoury Buns

Maine pehne party shoes...
Gonna let my body loose....
Karli hai.-----------------.....
There's party on my mind....

This song from the movie Race 2 ...which translates as follows "I have worn my party shoes,  and am all carefree...etc etc...with partying on my mind...." comes to my mind, as I get ready to greet the next batch of visitors from overseas who plan to drop in to see us....

If you have been following/reading my earlier posts - you would know that we had quite a few guests recently...and it truly was like one party after another....good fun to meet and spend time with our near & dear ones...also gave me an opportunity to try out my culinary skills...ahem.

So back to the thought processes, shopping for groceries, planning the menu...you would think I am planning a huge dinner or lunch with four courses, salad & dessert...nope...not really...just tea & snacks...what ?!?  :-) ...I know ....but still whether the party is small or big - it is fun planning it out.

Our guests were to join us for tea and snacks - and I thought these buns with savoury filling of cheese, garlic, and cilantro (coriander leaves / dhania patta ) would be just the thing to prepare...
I had tried it out before ...and it had turned out amazing...it was so lightweight, and the taste of the filling - cheese, garlic, with cilantro is a very good combination. I got this recipe from Divya's easycooking...her easy and simple style and pictures makes it very convenient to follow and adapt.

Does this ever happen to any of you - that you try out a new recipe and make something amazing, and at first shot the results are so outstanding that it even surprises you...and then you decide to replicate that success with guests...and guess what - not that great....
Well that has happened a few times to me...so I was a bit wary of trying this one out for our visitors...but the results was so good, maybe even better ( with a few minor changes from the first time around ) that I had to put it down for all of you.

You could try making these plain or with any other stuffing you like - including onion, or even add some veggies mashed - like potatoes, peas etc...

These can be made with a sweet filling of sugar, coconut, chopped dates, chopped nuts etc. too....the main difference between the two with regards to the dough is the amount of sugar and salt you add to it.

I have written down the recipe for the savoury filling and put down the changes required for sweet filling separately...so as to not mix up the proportions of sugar & salt...

For savoury buns:
For the dough:
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 and half cups all-purpose flour
1 cup warm milk
1 and half tsp active yeast
1 tsp sugar
3/4 tsp salt (only for savoury - reduce for sweet version)
40 gms butter melted

For the stuffing:(only for savoury)
1 cup chopped cilantro (coriander leaves/dhania patta)
1/2 cup grated cheese - I use Amul's or Brittania's cheddar
5-6 garlic cloves grated

Topping: (only for savoury buns)
1 Tblspn milk
1 Tblspn sesame seeds

Method :

1) Take a bowl with warm milk, add the sugar and yeast and keep aside for 5-10 minutes - it will froth a bit.
2) Take a mixing bowl and add 1 cup of whole wheat and 1 cup of all-purpose flours, and salt, and melted butter.
3) Add the milk mixture to the flour mixture and stir with a wooden spatula till it all comes together.
4) Then start adding the remaining half cup of all purpose flour to the dough, knead it till it becomes a soft non-sticky smooth dough.
Do not add too much dough or it will become hard.
Smear the dough with some oil and also the bowl, cover the dough with a moist towel and keep in a warm and dark place for about an hour - it will rise to double it's size.
5) In the meantime - you can get the stuffing ingredients ready, wash and chop the coriander leaves - spread it to dry, grated the garlic, and cheese.

After an hour
6) Knead the dough gently, removing the air out - then divide into half - make each half into a long log(about 9 inches) with your hands - and cut each into 9 pieces (of 1 inch each) with a knife. You should get 18 equal pieces.
7) Mix the stuffing ingredients and divide it equally into 18 sections.
8) Take each portion of the dough - roll it into a small disc and then put the stuffing in the centre, fold the sides in over the stuffing, and then fold the top and bottom over and press lightly. Place the bun onto the baking tray.
Dough cut into 18 equal pieces

The savoury stuffing

9) Repeat this process for all 18 - and place buns folded side down on the baking tray, and keep the tray in a warm place for about 45 minutes to an hour.

10 ) The buns will rise once more.
11) Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees - and in the meantime - brush the buns with some milk, and sprinkle sesame seeds over them pressing lightly.

12) Bake for about 30 minutes or till you see the buns have gotten lightly browned. You could check with a toothpick.
13) Cool on the pan for a while - then on a wire rack. Serve hot or you can store it in an airtight container to be had later.

For sweet buns:
1) 3 Tblspn sugar in addition to the 1 tsp sugar that you need for the yeast & milk mixture.
2) The salt should be reduced from 3/4 tsp to 1/4 tsp.

Make the dough with these 2 changes the same way as earlier.

For the filling you need 1 cup with any of the following, nuts chopped, dates chopped, coconut, chocolate....divide the same into 18 portions and use as stuffing.

Bake in similar fashion as the savoury buns. Omit the milk and sesame seeds topping for sweet buns. You could instead make a glaze with sugar syrup and brush it over the buns.

Serve with hot tea or coffee.

Enjoy !!!

I made the savoury buns as I had some cookies with me( made earlier) and also I had tried out a new recipe of coconut marbled cake...so wanted to balance the sweet out.
Now we await our guests...we are meeting them after 4 years,  a lot has happened  in this time - so it would be good to catch up with them...I feel in this time & age there are so many means of communication - letter, email, phone, sms, what's app, skype, now viber, facetime...and so on and on ....but I feel the best is when you meet personally...that's when you feel you have connected...

So over chai, snacks, and chit chat ...we will connect once more...hope they enjoy these buns...and you get a chance too...

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