Saturday 28 July 2012

.....In Ahmedabad.....Poha with Beans

Generally when I think of a new post it is with some recipe in mind - some new dish or an old one with a new twist...but today I just felt like putting down some thoughts ...

Have been here in Ahmedabad for a week now - and boy is it hot....that is the first thought that comes to mind...there have been no rains here at all and it is almost end of July - so everyday all of us look to the hopeful skies, and after seeing the gray clouds hovering above us, we all predict ( like the weatherman ) that today it will rain...and just like the weatherman - the Gods, and heavens, and rains prove us to be there we go taking cool showers, sitting under fans or a/c's and eating ice creams - all in a desperate attempt to cool off....

The past week has evoked a mixed bag of emotions...on the one side my mother-in-law ( who we call Ma ) has not been well - but her spirits are so high, she is a very strong person and is bearing up very well ...and does not let us feel down is an education spending time with her...she is still as involved in life ( people, recipes, events ) as ever....
I admire her a lot, she has been a good mentor, advising without preaching or judging...and always letting us be...allowing us to live our own lives, gently guiding us if she felt it was required....I could go on and on....but it suffices to say that I feel she is a great lady...and I am very proud and honored to have her as my mother-in-law....

From thoughts of Ma ....automatically my thoughts move on to one of her loves to try out different recipes, any new dish makes her very curious to figure out the ingredients and how it was made....
Under her guidance her cook ( at 3B, as this place is more fondly referred to as ) ....churns out dishes which could be compared favourably with any fancy restuarant chef's...

This week we had a quite a few...some dishes are complex and some simple - but all absolutely delicious ....a couple of days back, we had poha but with a healthy was made with moong beans and matki (moth ) beans...instead of the usual potato...
I thought I would try it out once I get back to Mumbai...but decided to put down the recipe...( is it cheating a bit to put down something I have not as yet made myself...only observed and eaten?...well...nyways never mind...)

So here's the recipe for the same...( knew I would somehow find a way to get back to food and have to change the title original one was ..."In Ahmedabad") and here are the ingredients for the above...this time I have no photographs ....but will post some after I make it myself back home....

This makes a great breakfast or snack - it is light, healthy and yet tastes so good...


2 cups of thick poha
1/2 cup of mixed moong & moth beans
1 medium onion
2 green chillies
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1/2 tsp red chilli powder
1/4 tsp salt or to taste
a pinch of sugar
a few curry leaves
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
coriander leaves for garnish
juice of half lemon


1) Soak the moong & moth beans overnight. Steam with little water till soft.
2) Take a non-stick pan, heat some oil, add mustard seeds - when they splutter, add the curry leaves, then add chopped onions, fry till they become translucent. Then add the green chillies, the cooked beans, salt to taste.
3) In a separate bowl - wash the poha and drain, add some salt, sugar, and lemon juice. Mix with a fork and check for taste.
4) Add turmeric, red chilli powders to the beans mixture and then add the poha mixture to the same. Stir for a couple of minutes till it all gets incorporated.
5) Switch off the heat - and cover the lid and allow all the flavours to combine for a couple of minutes.
6) Sprinkle coriander leaves on it and serve hot.

Enjoy !!!

Tip : Batata Poha or Potato Poha is made the same way - instead of cooked beans add boiled and chopped potatoes.
You could also combine both.

Sometimes I add 1/4 tsp udad dal, 1/2 tsp chana dal, 1 Tblsp peanut to the seasonings and fry a bit till it browns before adding the onion when making batata poha...the same can be added to poha with beans.

And now for my last thought....have to pack my bags...and get ready...will be leaving for Mumbai, the rains have really been scarce this year...but the weather has lightened a bit - not that hot any more...will miss the folks but will plan a visit soon back here...till then aavjo.


  1. Good idea Prabha.Very well described Mami.Love Ketkiben.ooxx

  2. Thanks Ketkiben, glad you liked it.
