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Beetroot Salad |
When you read newspapers or magazines re. what to eat, what is good for you, you get so confused ....every day there is a new diet, new idea, a new fad....lots of confusion...should you follow it....or continue with the way things are?
A long time ago...( sounds like the start of a fairy tale, but is not so )...I too had joined up along with a friend....a lady was conducting some classes - re. nutrition and healthy eating...would rather not mention the actual name of that organisation...do not wish to create any controversy....not sure how I feel about their ideas now....but at the time I was very convinced about their philosophy and thoughts etc...and followed it in totality....
Their concept was that in the morning our systems are busy with the cleansing process and so should be given energy to do their job !?!....and hence we should not eat a heavy breakfast...it should be just fruits...tons of it ( supposed to be energy givers )....
Lunch at around 12...the heaviest meal of the day...should definitely contain sprouts, and salads ( better if raw )...less or none oil in our meals...
Dinner light meal...
Milk to be avoided, yogurt good, nuts yes, along with fruits or salads.
There is a lot more in the same vein and as I mentioned ...that I had been a convert for a while...until regular life intruded and it became quite difficult to continue with that scheme of diet.
But certain points still remain with me...I try to reduce oil in my cooking...have as much as fruits as possible...and add nuts in salads for taste...whether it is fruits ( with walnuts ) or the above beets with peanuts....it adds a crunch to the dish and you do not miss the oil...a simple salt, pepper, lemon and you have an dish out of this world.
If the beetroot is fresh then you have such a sweet taste to it - that others may be mistaken in thinking that you have added sugar...but that is the natural sweetness of the beet.
And since it is raw - you get the goodness of it in it's entirety...none of the nutrients are lost in the cooking.
So here's the ingredients and the how to...can be used for carrots too...esp. the red ones we get in winter.
1 medium sized beetroot
1/2 medium onion
juice of 1/2 lemon
3-4 Tblspns of peanuts roughly crushed
salt to taste
pepper to taste
Method :
1) Peel and grate the beetroot with a fine grater - the flakes should be fine so as to release the sweetness and the juice of the beet.
2) Add the chopped onions, juice of lemon, salt and pepper and mix well.
3) Add the roughly crushed peanuts - preferably with some powder and some bigger pieces to as to get the crunch.
This should be added just before you serve the dish so as to retain the crunch.
Mix well and serve.
Enjoy !!!
Tip: The beet grated and mixed with onion can be prepared earlier and kept in the refrigerator until it is time to serve and rest of the seasonings and peanuts can be added at time of serving. The seasonings can be increased or reduced as per your tastes.
This salad tastes good when served cold.
Salads are a very tasty way of living a healthy life...and this beetroot salad is one of the very best....naturally sweet even when eaten raw. It makes a very nice addition to any meal and it really does brighten up your dinner table when served to guests.
So try it out and you too will be a convert....
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